Top Tips: Using your MacBook
Erica Gandy • February 01, 2022Erica: We’ve recently shared a short video of our Ambassador Al Haigh’s first client facing appointment. I felt
Senior AT Consultant| Sensory Rehabilitation Specialist Erica is a qualified Rehabilitation Officer with 10+ years of AT expertise focusing on outcomes for the sight impaired and sensory development.
Erica: We’ve recently shared a short video of our Ambassador Al Haigh’s first client facing appointment. I felt
Our very own AT Ambassador Alistair recently attended his very first client-facing appointment, let’s hope there will be many
A Prologue… For any of you that know me, you will know I am not a massive fan of sport;
Rise and Shine The other day I woke up with a really sore throat (…you know, the type where you
Some of you may have read the article I wrote last week about staying connected with the people you care
So, by now you will all have heard yesterday’s news that lock down has been extended for at least
‘Tis the most wonderful time of the year’ as the song goes and Christmas is fast approaching so it’s
This is my first blog post with Access Technology North, in fact if I am completely honest it is my